
Showing posts from June, 2024

How Zero-Knowledge Proofs Can Transform Blockchain for Your Business.

  Let’s imagine a world, where you can prove your transaction without revealing your transaction details. It’s possible with the magic of zero-knowledge proofs. Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a cryptographic method where one person (Prover) can prove to another person (Verifier) that they know a secret without actually sharing the secret.  In simple words to understand, how ZKPs work, let's consider a simple analogy known as the "Ali Baba cave" scenario Let's imagine a cave with a circular path and a locked door in the middle. Peggy (the prover) wants to prove to Victor (the verifier) that he knows the secret to unlock the door without revealing the secret itself. Peggy can enter the cave from either the left or the right side, unlock the door, and exit through the other side. Victor stands outside the cave and asks Peggy to come out from either the left or the right side. If Peggy knows the secret, she can always fulfil Victor's request. After several such request